Early Queer Media
Below is the full text of Neel Bate's article in In Touch For Men, which I cite heavily in my Columbia Journalism Review article on Bachelor.
There's no date, but The Advocate ran a shortened version of the same article in 1982, so I'd imagine it was from the same era.
This print is still partly a mystery to me, but it appeared in the May 1937 edition of Bachelor, and is one of the only explicit queer nods I could find in its pages.
This is an interview with Elizabeth Criswell a.k.a. Betty Criswell a.k.a. Fanchon Devoe, the publisher of Bachelor, in advance of its launch.
This is an excerpt from a 1955 letter by a gay man named Frank, who wrote in to an editor of the Mattachine Review asking for gay publications to read. The Hobby Directory is mentioned.
Here is a copy of The Hobby Directory, sent to me by Josh Faught.
Lastly, here is the arrest over an obscene letter that involved The Hobby Directory, which I also reference in my story. I couldn't find anything further about this case, but it does seem likely the arrested man was sending sexual messages to his male hobbyist pen pal.